Balouza Station

Balouza Research Station is located at Al-Salam Canal. It is in the domain of Balouza village, which is 35 km east of Qantara Shark city, 60 km of Bir Al-Abed, and 150km of Al-Arish. The area of the station is 500 feddan.

The goals of the Ice Cream Research Station:

  1. Producing modern scientific technologies to face the danger of climate change and its direct and indirect impact on agricultural production, opportunities for horizontal expansion, investment and development of available natural resources.
  2. Producing appropriate technologies for combating desertification in desert surroundings areas that are eligible for future agricultural development and horizontal expansion.
  3. Directing research towards applied fields that serve the challenges of agricultural development in Sinai. It includes producing agricultural crop techniques under conditions of drought and salinity. In addition to, producing seedlings resistant to different stress conditions, and using new and renewable energy.
