ecology and dry Lands agriculture Division:

Main Objectives:
- Improving the productivity of the land and water units under the conditions of climate change in desert areas.
- Documenting knowledge and maximizing the sustainable use of wild plant genetic resources.
- Conserving of plant genetic resources and plant biological diversity in the desert.
- Domesticating, adapting, and reproducing wild medicinal and aromatic plants, and maximizing the benefit of them.
- Developing biological and organic farming systems to ensure food safety.
- Developing food processing technology from desert products.
- Developing natural pastoral resources in the Egyptian deserts.
- Protecting the infrastructure and integrated development areas from the threats of sand encroachment and sandstorms in the Egyptian deserts.
- Strengthening links with governmental and non-governmental institutions in the field of sustainable development in the desert governorates.
The division consists of six scientific departments and each department consists of a number of research units:
- Plant Genetic Resources Department
- Plant Breeding Unit.
- Biochemistry Unit.
- Plant Adaptation Unit.
- Genetic and Cytogenetic Unit.
- Tissue Culture Unit.
- Plant Production Department
- Agronomy Unit.
- Agro – Processing Unit.
- Pomology Unit.
- Vegetables Unit.
- Plant Ecology and Range Management Department
- Range Management Unit.
- Eco-physiology Unit.
- Plant Ecology Unit.
- Pollution Unit.
- Plant Taxonomy Unit.
- Sand dunes Department
- Biological Sand Dunes Fixation Unit.
- Sand Dunes Ecology Unit.
- Sand Dunes Source and Movement Unit.
- Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Department
- Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Unit.
- Photochemistry Unit.
- Natural Products Unit.
- Plant Protection Department
- Pesticide Unit.
- Plant Pathology Unit.
- Nematology Unit.
- Entomology Unit.
- Animal Pest Unit.